Poster printing

Full Color Digital Poster Prints

What type of Poster Printing do you need?

paper poster prints
Non-Rigid Digital Paper Prints
on Photo Satin Paper

Rigid poster boardposter board
Adhesive Digital Prints
Mounted to Semi-Rigid Foam Board
poster prints wall decal pricing

poster printingPosters that are eye popping, and colorful!

Attention grabbing and impressive are two ways to describe our full color poster prints. We produce poster printing that brings your artwork to life with our large format full color poster printer.

Let your imagination run wild. If you can envision it, we can print it! Custom Poster Printing. In addition to paper prints, your artwork can be printed on a variety of materials including: adhesive decal material, indoor banner fabric, heavy duty outdoor banner fabric and more. Custom posters can be printed directly from your files. Poster printing is an affordable method of displaying your image, product or presentation to your intended audience.

For a more rigid sign that stands up on it's own look into our custom Poster Board signs that are great for tradeshows, presentations and displays.

Our only limitation is your imagination! From one custom poster to 1,000 poster prints, our poster printing department can meet any color printing needs.

Custom printed poster uses:
  • Business presentations - roll them up and take them anywhere.
  • Trade show displays - Beautiful photo paper displays.
  • Short-term outdoor - Ask for our our door no-tear poster paper or inexpensive vinyl banner

Our poster prints can be printed directly from your files on heavy weight (8.5 mil) photo satin paper with matte or gloss lamination. For a special "scuff proof" material, give our sales representatives a call to discuss our Lexan faced laminated posters.

When you think of custom poster printing, think of Quick Signs,
Your poster printing company!

Digital Poster Printing

Pricing: As low as $4.00/ sq.ft
Finishing: We can grommet and laminate your poster by special request. Call for other finishing options.
Quality: 1,440 DPI resolution inkjet printing in 6-color process.
Max. Size: Sizes up to 52" tall by any length.
Fade Resistance: Eco-solvent, UV, fade resistance inks up to 3 years outdoor lifspan.
Poster Material: Unless otherwise specified prints are done on satin photo quality, 8.5 mil paper.
full color digital poster print


For more information on our Poster Printing, give our sign specialists a call.

Local: 714-573-9313

Who are we? Orange County Signs, also known as Quick Signs

Quick Signs, also known as,  has been a leader in the signs and graphics industry for over 20 years. We specialize in large format printing utilizing state-of-the-art digital printers. We service the signs and banner industry of Orange County, California and we produce and ship our sign products everywhere in the United States. The cities we service in Orange County are Tustin, Irvine, Newport Beach, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Beach, Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim and many other surrounding communities including San Diego County, Los Angeles County and all of Southern California, and anywhere in the United States!  Local Service Areas

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