You can upload up to 64MB file on our website!
Our online website is capable to receive uploaded files 64mb or lower in size. Most files don't need to be any larger than 64mb to be output for high-quality print production. The recommended file formats that are most preferable for print production are as follows: ai, eps, pdf (Adobe Illustrator); jpg, pdf, tiff, png (Adobe Photoshop); cdr or pdf (CorelDraw); or indd and pdf (InDesign.) If you don't possess the preferred file types listed here you may still upload any and all art files that you have available for a free complimentary print compatibility check.
If you have files larger than 64mb, don't fret, please call one of our friendly sales representatives for alternative uploading options. Once your files are submitted, our sign design team, will check your graphics to make sure that your artwork meets the criteria to print properly for your preferred sign order. If there are problems with artwork submissions, you will be notified by your sales representative, with alternative options to address the situation before proceeding with an order.
Tips for reducing your file size before uploading:
- If your document has active layers, simply flattening the layers can reduce a lot of space, reducing the size of your artwork for upload.
(Don't forget to "SAVE AS" so that you don't save over your file. Once you flatten an image, the layers disappear forever.) - Try checking the DPI. Sometimes the dpi is set way to high which will increase the file size. We only require that an art file built to "full-size" have a dpi range of 100 - 150. For artwork built to "half-size" the dpi should be set at 300 dpi. Anything over 300 dpi is unnecessary.
- Another option is to save the file as a .JPG. This type of file takes up the least amount of space over a .TIFF.
- First and foremost remember to embed any imported images and to outline all your text. If your images are not embedded and fonts left in their true-type form we may run into printing errors.
- Secondly, if your file is built to full-size and is larger than 64mb, try reducing the file down to "half-size". Please make sure to alert your sales representative that the file is built to half size so that it can be enlarged before print production.
- Lastly, sometimes saving a .AI file down to an .EPS or .PDF version will reduce the file size.
For help on file formats, uploading, or if you are wanting a quote on a sign project of yours, give our sales and service specialists a call with your questions or inquiries. Or visit our File Format Guide page or our File Preparation Checklist page.
Or, feel free to visit our sign quotation request page at get a quotation here.