How big can I make my vinyl letters?

Determining the size of your vinyl lettering is decided by a few factors.

Cut vinyl lettering is very popular these days and can be used for lots of different lettering projects. Before you set off about ordering custom cut vinyl lettering or decals though, you'll need to know what size to have the letters cut too, or at least have an idea of a vinyl lettering size to get pricing. Determining a size for your cut vinyl lettering can be a bit tricky, but fairly simple when you have a little bit of information to work from, such as basic idea of letter size, available space, exact character count and the exact distance that your lettering needs to be viewed from.

To pick the appropriate letter size follow these simple guidelines:

  • 1. Measure out the entire available space of where you would like to place your vinyl lettering
  • 2. Count up the total number of characters needed
  • 3. Figure out at what distance the letters need to be visible from. (Every 1 inch in height can be seen from 25 - 30 feet away...see chart below.)
  • 4. Pick a size, based on the above information, by choosing a letter size and doing a little math. Most vinyl letters are as wide as they are tall. So to figure out the width of your letter simply multiple the height by 0.85 and you'll have a width. Which will let you know if your vinyl lettering will fit your space availability.

letter visibility chartMost customers tend to automatically go for larger lettering when in all actually they may not actually need large lettering, or better yet, have the room to fit large vinyl lettering because the lettering exceeds the available space. And even though you might think you'll need large lettering, as you'll see from the chart provided to the left, smaller lettering may serve your vinyl lettering needs perfectly.

And depending on your character count and available space you may need to choose a variety of different vinyl letter sizes to properly achieve the vinyl lettered look want. (For instance you are lettering a business window and need three lines of text: Company name, phone number and store hours. You might want the company name to stand out more and choose a larger letter size over the phone and store hour lettering information.)

Also, if you need large lettering in a small space, you may have to break up lines of text or squish the lettering horizontally to fit the space. But when in doubt about the best vinyl letter size, give us a call...we're here to help!

Consult with our sign professionals if you have any questions about cut vinyl lettering sizes.

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